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Frosty Snowmobile Club | Land O' Lakes WI

Frosty Snowmobile Club

The Frosty Snowmobile Club is a 501(c)3 that proudly grooms the snowmobile trails in & around Land O’ Lakes, Vilas County, Wisconsin. The volunteers who are the Frosty Snowmobile Club, Inc., are very involved in the community and the community is involved in the club. The club develops and maintains about 45 miles of snowmobile trails. Half of them are on private land thanks to the generosity of landowners who grant permission to use their land. 32 miles are state funded, which means that roughly 50% of the costs for those trails comes from the State of Wisconsin via the Department of tourism, gas tax and snowmobile registration fees. The funding for the remaining 50% and 100% of the other 13 miles comes from club fund raising activities and donations. Those activities include: the Annual Cash Raffle, advertising on the Snowmobile Trail Map, Snowmobile Safety Certification Class, Sunrise Snowmobile Benefit Breakfast, Pig Skin Poker Run, and Radar Run and Chili feed Benefit. The owners and staffs of Bent’s Camp, Brew’s Pub, Bear Trap, Land O’ Lakes Recreation, Sunrise Lodge along with club volunteers pitch in to help make these events profitable.

Business Type: Services

Address: PO Box 792, Land O Lakes, WI 54540

Phone: 715-617-4708

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GotFrosty

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