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Feed Our Rural Kids (FORK) | Land O' Lakes WI

Feed Our Rural Kids (FORK)

FORK is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization that was founded to provide nutritional support to children from food insecure homes across all of eastern and central Vilas County.

The organization achieves this goal through several means.

The first being direct support of the organically created FORK food programs; FORK Cares, Meals NOW, Formula Support Program, JUMP START, and the In-School Children’s Pantries.

Secondly they have collaborated with other organizations/programs including the Vilas Food Pantry, the Weekend Backpack Program, Northwoods Share Community Dinner, and the LOCKER.

Business Type: Services

Phone: 715-410-8167

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://www.feedourruralkids.org/

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